[7] - TD Town Out Now!

Game Released

42 days and 583 commits later, TD Town - the Tower Defense game is available now to download for Windows PC at https://floatingpond.itch.io/td-town.

TD Town is a collaborative effort by myself, Paul Gush and Ryan Wakeford to create a small-scale, Windows-based game. The game has been released, free, on itch.io for anyone to download and play.

This is the first time I have used the itch.io platform to release a game, and I have no doubt it will not be the last. I look forward to seeing how others approach the game and hearing their thoughts.

The Trailer

Before pressing the ‘Release’ button to make our game available, we had one final item left on our to-do list: the trailer. Something small and to the point, and not to put too much time into creating it.

From storyboarding to recording footage, editing, rendering, and uploading to YouTube took me a grand total of 1 hour and 18 minutes. And for a 25-second trailer, I think I did a good job. I had a vision of making one of those ‘99% of players will not be able to do “insert easy thing”’ sort of video, but I think this trailer provides ample context for the game.

Previous Post on TD Town

I posted a few weeks ago on how Scriptable Objects were implemented into TD Town. You can find that post here.

We are looking forward to hearing what people think about TD Town!


[8] - Arma 3: Kaska


[6] - Tower Defense & Scriptable Objects